About Me

Hey guys, nice to meet you all!
From the moment I was old enough to walk I was trying on my Mom's shoes, stealing her lipstick and spilling nail varnish on my bedroom furniture, so I suppose its no surprise that I ended up with a bit of a passion for all things beauty and fashion related! 
Yes I have lived through a bald eyebrows phase, a bad DIY haircut, a week of tanned knees and white legs, a scary red lipstick, white skin, black eyeliner look and many more beauty disasters- but somehow I think I've come out of it a lot wiser! It certainly didn't put me off it anyway... Just ask anyone I've lived with how long it takes me sometimes to get ready to go ANYWHERE! I was secretly flattered of course when Brad Paisley wrote a song ("Waitin' on Woman": http://grooveshark.com/s/Waitin+On+A+Woman+feat+Andy+Griffith+/3pODw4?src=5) about me... haha. (Country music being another of my big passions in life by the way!
Anyway as I spend so much time at it, I've had to come up with some shortcuts and tricks throughout the years to ease the pain for all waiting parties as well as myself... so this is what this blog is about. A little bit of support for all people out there who want to know some little tips about:

  •  The best and quickest way to apply products.
  •  Single products that can be used in numerous ways. (Economically friendly products!!)
  • Easy access to tricks the experts are using. 
  • How to deal with everyday beauty problems like clumping mascara, makeup that doesn't stay on, smudging makeup and lots more.                                                                                    
So whether you are a novice or an expert I'd love you to try out some of my tips and let me know what you think!

Thanks for checking out Snippets of Beauty

Stay beautiful,